Why You Should Ask for Help More Often

How often do you feel like you have to complete tasks or projects completely on your own? If this is you, we know it can be exhausting. Try and shift your perspective a bit... Sometimes the easiest thing to do is simply ask for help! Maybe your peer has come up with a solution you haven't thought of yet, or perhaps they are struggling with the exact same questions. 

Do not be afraid to ask for help! Why figure out all of your sh*t alone when there is so much to be learned from the community right here? Taking that first step will also help serve as an open line for more valuable communication between your coworkers and community.

Your challenge: Next time you are feeling stuck or unsure of your next move, reach out to a trusted friend, helpful coworker, or even one of our bomb peer trainers for some advice! And remember, it NEVER hurts to ask. 😉

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