What About My Body, Body?
So you’re ready to transform your life, but sometimes setting up new rituals can feel intimidating - especially when it comes to physical activity. For many of us, exercise can be something we associate with negativity or judgment… That harmful comment about your weight someone mentioned just briefly can stay with you for a long time. Or maybe your relationship with exercise feels strained because you aren’t seeing the results you want. Because of these experiences, we sometimes blame the activity of exercise - it reminds us of our insecurities.
However, if we reframe how we view exercise, we can start to see how much good it can bring into our lives - take yoga, for instance! 5-10 minutes of yoga can do wonders for your body, in more ways than you might think. Yes, it can help you on your weight loss journey, but that’s not what we want to focus on right now. Physically using your body to become centered and mindful is setting you up for success.
Making time for a short yoga session means you are learning to listen to and observe the subtle physical shifts in your body. This simple ritual will allow you to learn what nourishes you and depletes you, and empowers you to make strides towards mind-body reconnection.
You don’t need to know every yoga pose there is to know before beginning, and you don’t need to be in the best physical shape of your life, either. You just have to make a conscious effort to begin doing it.
On Day 3 of our #CreateSpaceChallenge? Here’s our pick for a simple way to start the day with yoga!
Now, what other rituals can you establish to help you create space with your body?